Saturday, December 5, 2009

Typical evening at the LL

Dean playing w/ the dogs-
Emily (and AV) going to the Potty ("wanna treat?")-
Jake on his laptop-
Mel playing with Rome-

I think it's funny how Rome is finally up on two feet walking and Amaryllis is reverting to all fours!
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Gorgeous Sunrise...

More time at the beach house w/ the guys 'hanging' out!  Window repairs to replace the wooden trim is alot
of work.


It's about time to update our life's story on this here blog--

We've been camping at Morrow Mountain (twice) and both nights were in the 30's but it wasn't too bad.  This tree we noticed had a peculiar shape, like my hu-hum...Bottom does!  Fires kept us warm and sophie had a dress to wear.

Monday, November 2, 2009

October Fun!

We've had a lot of fun this month!  We went to the fair with E/J & M/D,

I visited my parents in NM,
(Thanks to Micah, we got to go to the Aggie/Fresno game! Center-red shirt is Micah.)

The grandbabies came to spend Halloweeeeen!
And two of our 5 little pumpkins returned to snag some treats!

Schrammpa helping AV with her socks; my new addition (sews great as you can see by the rag quilts); AV in a really cute hat (burp cloth); Little Rome-yo still not feeling great but will lay anywhere-for some warm milk!; Toys galore & dogs too (but they got cropped out of most of these pictures)

Fun at the park!

Almost time for Trick-or-Treating!  Just warmin up the costumes & practicing the cute faces to pull :) (To get more candy, duh.) Amaryllis learned how to say "Trick-or-Treat!"

And November is already here...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

We had a great time Camping at KINGS MOUNTAIN. It is a very short drive so we packed up and returned home Sat to watch Conference. We were hoping to watch it in the mtns but the signal wasn't strong enough.
Em & Jake lent us the comfy tent. The temps were perfect. The dutchoven cherry cobber (and yes home-made icecream) was so very yummy but my favorite?? The most perfect roasted marshmellow ever!!!

Fire wood was forgotten at home but Dale had a saw and kept the fire going and hot. We had foil dinners. Sophie is a great camper!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

I keep forgetting things are posted backwards on this blog. And it takes forever to post a photo! Very time consuming and hard if you don't have tons of patience. But I'll post a few more entries and then maybe let it die! Is Facebook this backwards???
Here's a photo of Mel & Dean. We had a celebration for Romans first birthday. (The birthday boy is asleep & so is AV while we stole a few min. to chat outside...a nice Sunday afternoon.) Em & Jake came too---
Kings Mountain is a famous Revolutionary War sight. We hiked a trail to an old Working Farm.
Found a sign (at Grandfather Mountain) that tells us when our Enrichment board meets next---rrrrrrrrrrrrrr-

We saw a Bear...........

We saw a deer-------------

It was beautiful. Sophie got so thirsty she drank water from rain-filled hollows in the rock. We thot it was cute....until....the next day when she got sick! The hike to the top was steep. Then when we made it to the top we saw a big parking lot full of cars! :(

We had a two free Saturdays recently & so we drove up into the mountains. The first trip was to Grandfather Mountain & the Mile-high Swinging Bridge. It was cold due to winds up in the mountain tops.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Extreme Hubby doing Extreme Home Makeover

I have an amazing husband who has not only built or re-built many of our own homes but he also sacrifices his time for others. Here he is taking the 2am shift on Xtreme Home Makeover in Missouri! Go Dale!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

In the Fields

In the Fields...
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We've been busy here....
got Sophie's and Charlene's hair(s) cut.
Been workin' on wedding plans and even had time to hang out at the pool a bit.
The pool was extra empty this day because it had been vandalized the night before and they had to close it for cleaning. We arrived right after they had re-opened it.
It has been hot and humid but rain storms usually roll in during the early evening hours to cool things off. BTW---- we had to make faces in our 'funny picture' so Char could cover up her cold-sore w/ her tongue!

Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm glad that no one reads this since it will take me awhile to decide how to proceed. Who do I address my remarks to? how about "My Humble People" that sounds sufficient. Well maybe it should just be "Dear Melanie" at this point!

We spent the weekend at the beach house addressing Charlene's wedding announcements. I'm taking the last of them to the PO in a few min. The last time to send these out!

So for a new photo...hum How about two of my favorites from Dales Sibling Reunion?

So most of you (my humble servants) know that I spend too much time at the doctors office. Last week I had my 'good' knee drained since it's been acting 'bad' lately. Even worse than my bad knee! I don't have any cute photos of that visit but the process is still vivid in my mental images. It worked tho, and it's back to being my 'good' knee :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

So this is our blog? Does PapaS know about it? I'm putting up a photo of us taken at the LL by Aunt Carol. It is from Dales Schramm Sibling reunion this summer which was a blast. And next time I'll post a photo from our Hinckley-Ewing reunion in Las Cruces, NM last week. I'll bet you can hardly wait!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Welcome to Schramma & Schrammpa's blog!
Mom will be the main contributor to this blog, and will keep it updated often so that all of her kids and grandbabies can look at it to see what's going on and know what cool parents/grandparents they have =D