Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Extreme Hubby doing Extreme Home Makeover

I have an amazing husband who has not only built or re-built many of our own homes but he also sacrifices his time for others. Here he is taking the 2am shift on Xtreme Home Makeover in Missouri! Go Dale!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

In the Fields

In the Fields...
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We've been busy here....
got Sophie's and Charlene's hair(s) cut.
Been workin' on wedding plans and even had time to hang out at the pool a bit.
The pool was extra empty this day because it had been vandalized the night before and they had to close it for cleaning. We arrived right after they had re-opened it.
It has been hot and humid but rain storms usually roll in during the early evening hours to cool things off. BTW---- we had to make faces in our 'funny picture' so Char could cover up her cold-sore w/ her tongue!