Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm glad that no one reads this since it will take me awhile to decide how to proceed. Who do I address my remarks to? how about "My Humble People" that sounds sufficient. Well maybe it should just be "Dear Melanie" at this point!

We spent the weekend at the beach house addressing Charlene's wedding announcements. I'm taking the last of them to the PO in a few min. The last time to send these out!

So for a new photo...hum How about two of my favorites from Dales Sibling Reunion?

So most of you (my humble servants) know that I spend too much time at the doctors office. Last week I had my 'good' knee drained since it's been acting 'bad' lately. Even worse than my bad knee! I don't have any cute photos of that visit but the process is still vivid in my mental images. It worked tho, and it's back to being my 'good' knee :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

So this is our blog? Does PapaS know about it? I'm putting up a photo of us taken at the LL by Aunt Carol. It is from Dales Schramm Sibling reunion this summer which was a blast. And next time I'll post a photo from our Hinckley-Ewing reunion in Las Cruces, NM last week. I'll bet you can hardly wait!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Welcome to Schramma & Schrammpa's blog!
Mom will be the main contributor to this blog, and will keep it updated often so that all of her kids and grandbabies can look at it to see what's going on and know what cool parents/grandparents they have =D