Monday, November 2, 2009

October Fun!

We've had a lot of fun this month!  We went to the fair with E/J & M/D,

I visited my parents in NM,
(Thanks to Micah, we got to go to the Aggie/Fresno game! Center-red shirt is Micah.)

The grandbabies came to spend Halloweeeeen!
And two of our 5 little pumpkins returned to snag some treats!

Schrammpa helping AV with her socks; my new addition (sews great as you can see by the rag quilts); AV in a really cute hat (burp cloth); Little Rome-yo still not feeling great but will lay anywhere-for some warm milk!; Toys galore & dogs too (but they got cropped out of most of these pictures)

Fun at the park!

Almost time for Trick-or-Treating!  Just warmin up the costumes & practicing the cute faces to pull :) (To get more candy, duh.) Amaryllis learned how to say "Trick-or-Treat!"

And November is already here...


Emily Bartlett said...

Awww I loved this post. It seems to have some "Mel" flare to it, am I right?

I like all the picture collages.

Thanks for letting us crash at your house for halloween Schrammah!

Meredith said...

the rag blankets look really cute!!! good job!

Char said...

awww i wish i could have come! cute pics mom!