Tuesday, August 4, 2009

We've been busy here....
got Sophie's and Charlene's hair(s) cut.
Been workin' on wedding plans and even had time to hang out at the pool a bit.
The pool was extra empty this day because it had been vandalized the night before and they had to close it for cleaning. We arrived right after they had re-opened it.
It has been hot and humid but rain storms usually roll in during the early evening hours to cool things off. BTW---- we had to make faces in our 'funny picture' so Char could cover up her cold-sore w/ her tongue!


Meredith said...

the pool looks nice and cool!

hope Char's cold sore goes away before Jared come out!!...heehee!!

Melanie said...

lolol! I like the silly pic. The pool is humongo! PS. Char- u betta bring my towel back to the beach house!

Char said...

i have 3 cold sores now :(

Emily Bartlett said...

this blog is cracking me up still.