Monday, July 16, 2012

Summer Fun 2012

Monday July 16, 2012
It's been waaay too long since I've updated our blog!  I do it so seldom it's like beginning all over again each time I do.  My old brain just doesn't want to remember the details about how to change blog backgrounds and add photos.  But how could I not try to post a few pics of the worlds most beautiful Grand-babies?

Here is my day thus far-- Golfing at Highland Creek (9 holes due to the heat); lunch on the patio (corn and yogurt); paid a few bills; practiced the piano (Hymnos,,some of them Version Simplificada!); Ipad games---and what's up next you ask?  Dinner at The Thai House with our OF's group! (Old Fogies) Not a bad day but I have missed getting my 3mile walk in.

Okay- now for testing my skills in adding photos--Where are my girls when I need them these days?