Sunday, November 21, 2010

New Grandbaby

Schrampa loves our new grandbaby Kyler Jared Antczak.  Here he is in the hospital at 2 days old.

 My baby Char holding her baby. She has a baby blanket that looks just like that (she still sleeps with it!)

 Getting instructions from the angels during nap time.
Born November 16, 2010 at 7:55am.  7lbs 5oz and 20 inches long.

Sure fire way to wake this baby up! (He loves his sleep) 
A little whiskey from the Hospital's Stork Dinner!
Notice he is not partaking? Those darn angel instructions!
(It's really sparkling cider)

Proud daddy and Proud Schramma

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Seven Lewis girls

The last of the Seven Sisters passed on last week.
My Mom's mom, Grandma Norma Lewis Savage is the third one from the Right--
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Trip to Utah

Posted by PicasaHere are a few photos from our trip in April---Great times!               

Priceless look!

AV ---"What? Did you see me eat that booger?"

Thursday, February 11, 2010

New & Improved Lucky Leaf

We took a big leap this year and are putting the beach house up for rent--
Poor cable guy who had to work on top of this ladder in 50 mph winds!

We worked hard all week and re-decorated the house.  Here is a before & after shot of Mel's room (guest room on the street side--)

Well it does look tons better!
Here are two doors--you can tell which one is the new one going in.  Now we'll have a storage place for ourpersonal belongings---

including a flat-screen TV!

Our family room feels like it is all brand new even though most of it is just re-cycled stuff and we moved things from one room to another.  I think we moved every single RUG in the house at least once!

The view is always smashing from wherever you stand in the Great room!  Picture Perfect!

The old "day-bed" has been supersized to King!

Master Suite:

Family Room:
(Thanks for the palm tree, Char! :)

Here are a few oldies but goodies...

Breathtaking sunrise...
(Photo by Mel. Of course... she always takes the best pictures.)

Don't all of these make you want to vacation here?  :)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jan already gone!

In January we celebrated Melanies birthday!
We had a huge storm and lost a big chunk of our dune at LL---the same storm that dumped SNOW on us in CLT!  Hey the sand & snow do look alike!

We only have 11 more months till Christmas!  ha- I didn't even get any christmas memories posted here.  Guess you'll just have to get the scoop on how wonderful it was by going to Em's or Mere's or Mel's or Char's blogs :)
Here is a photo of Santa Claus --When you plug him in he moves his candle and bag and it freaks Amaryllis out! 

I was busy cleaning all the decorations up and they boys were busy making a Secret Food Storage closet underneath the stairs....

it sure freed up the closets (and under the beds) where it had been stashed!